11sep2010大 da 舍 she 大 da 得de. More give, more receive
12sep2010 xin 诚 cheng 则 ze 灵 ling 心 heart 诚 trust 则 then 灵
14sep2010 定 ding 能 neng 生 sheng 慧 hui
13sep2010 人 ren 定 ding 胜 sheng 天 tian
人 people 定 mind stable 胜 win 天 heaven or nature
so ZN Qigong mainly stress to make our mind stable more than the only quiet by focusing
人 people 定 mind stable 胜 win 天 heaven or nature
so ZN Qigong mainly stress to make our mind stable more than the only quiet by focusing
定 stable mind 能 can 生make 慧 wisdom
15sep2010 more enjoy the formless, more ignore the form
19sep2010专 zhuan 一 yi 心 xin 念 nian
It's single mind in English
21sep2010生命 sheng ming 是 shi 一种 yi zhong 境界 jing jie
生命 The life 是 is 一种 a 境界 mind state